How to reset Accenta alarm after activation

How to reset Accenta alarm after activation

Quick guide to how to reset Accenta alarm First you will see a number / code on your keypad indicating what the problem with your Accenta alarm is

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Quick guide to how to reset Accenta alarm

  • First you will see a number / code on your keypad indicating what the problem with your Accenta alarm is
  • Now PRESS X to reset your Accenta alarm
  • Your alarm should now be reset & return to its normal state
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More in-depth guidelines on what to do

If you’ve had an activation on your Accenta alarm, the keypad will show a message with numbers 1 to 8 – representing the zones of the alarm – and the status of each of the zones represented by a ‘0’ (meaning OK) or a ‘F’ (meaning fault or alarm activation)

To reset your alarm, simply press X to restor alarm to normal state.

Watch this how to video

If you want to double check on how to reset your Honeywell Accenta alarm, then follow this video here . . .

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