How to fix Gardtec alarm tamper problem (End-of-Line resistance fault)

How to fix Gardtec alarm tamper problem (End-of-Line resistance fault)

How to fix Gardtec alarm tamper problem If you’ve got a zone tamper problem with your Gardtec (G Tag) alarm, one of the main issues is related to

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How to fix Gardtec alarm tamper problem

If you’ve got a zone tamper problem with your Gardtec (G Tag) alarm, one of the main issues is related to incorrect resistance when the sensors on your system have been set up with End-of-line (EOL) resistance.

You need to check that the resistors wired into the sensor that has a tamper problem has the correct resistance – as End-of-Line resistance set up means that the alarm will register a tamper fault if the resistance changes / is incorrect.

To do this follow the wiring diagram below – checking the resistors have the right values, and the resistance is reading the correct value at the panel-end (i.e. that there’s no fault with the wire between the sensor and the panel)

End of Line resistance problem with Gardtec G Tag alarm

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