‘Mains Fail’ – how to reset Scantronic 9651 alarm after power cut

‘Mains Fail’ – how to reset Scantronic 9651 alarm after power cut

Quick guide to fixing a 'Mains Fail' on a 9651 alarm Enter 4 digit user codePress '1' to view faultPress 'TICK' to return to 'home screen'

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Quick guide to fixing a ‘Mains Fail’ on a 9651 alarm

  • Enter 4 digit user code
  • Press ‘1’ to view fault
  • Press ‘TICK’ to return to ‘home screen’
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In-depth guide to fixing a Scantronic ‘Mains Fail’

If you’ve had a power cut on your Scantronic 9651 alarm, then after 5 minutes your key pad will start bleeping – and your system will register a ‘Mains Fail’ fault.

To stop the bleeping and to view the fault message, enter your 4 digit user code. To view the fault ‘PRESS ‘1’. Then to clear the message press TICK – which will then take you back to the ‘home’ screen.

Please note if the power is still off, you will have an amber light on your keypad.

‘MainsFail’ problems with Scantronic alarms are – as you’d guess – down to a power cut, and then the alarm registering that there’s been a cut. It’s important that you make sure that the back-up battery in your alarm panel is working properly (i.e. is no more than 4 / 5 years old) as if you have a MainsFail fault when your alarm battery is old, then it can screw up your whole alarm – and result in your alarm completely failing.

If your alarm battery is older than 5 years, then we’d advise changing it – which you can either do yourself by buying a battery from our shop – here – and then following our video guide below.

Or otherwise, you can book in a system maintenance check and engineer visit by one of our trained engineers (who can also advise you on how to upgrade your old alarm system).

Still, need help?

If you still need help with your alarm, then get in contact with our team to see if we can help you >>

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Or if you know you need an engineer then book an ‘on-site visit’ where one of our trained engineers comes out to your site to fix your problem.  Book an engineer visit here  or email us at help@smartsecurity.support

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